
Finding Staff Fast

Staff turnover is unwelcome at the best of times,  but to make matters worse for small business salon owners, is the cost of advertising for staff. With the paid services available becoming so expensive for some small cash strapped salons, it’s time to think out of the box and find your new staff member without…

Break Even Point

As a Business Coach I am constantly amazed at the amount of Salon & Spa owners who do not know what their ”break even point” is in their business.  If you do not know how much money you need to bring in every week, just to cover your basic costs….how can you possibly track and…

Chunk It Down

One of the best pieces of advice I can remember receiving, is Chunking It Down. In effect, this is the best way to tackle large task. If the outcome you are looking for is a completely new Menu for your Salon (as an example) your brain will probably start going into overdrive and thinking, oh…

Are You Burning Out?

Are you suffering from one or more of the following: Exhaustion Lack of Motivation Frustration, Cynicism and Other Negative Emotions Cognitive problems Slipping Job Performance Interpersonal Problems at Home and at Work Not Taking Care of Yourself Being Preoccupied With Work … When You’re Not at Work Generally Decreased Satisfaction Health Problems If you answered…